Пока цифротрансформаторы придумывают как цифротрансформировать отрасли, а библиотеки сосут лапу, ожидая, что их просто так позовут в цифровую трансформацию за красивые фонды, можно посмотреть какие идеи имеющие отношение к цифротрансформации нагенерировало международное бибсообщество.
Смотреть можно здесь: https://ideas.ifla.org/ideas/
Все смотреть ленно, но сколько-то идей выписал ниже. Что интересно, количественно идеи "столярок" так конечно есть, но и идей про цифру тоже не мало (67 из 240, т.е. примерно каждая четвертая), по крайней мере значительно больше, чем это в повестке российских библиотек. Ну а в России при активном участии минкульта доминирует повестка "столярок".
Еще отмечу, что из тех идей что я видел не хватает так сказать глобальности видения. Те идеи, что предлагаются не претендуют на слишком значительные изменения, но в совокупности сказано все, что я предлагал в технократическая библиотека.
Вот в алфавитном порядке около 70-ти идей:
- A “23 things and Learning 2.0” course for wider integration of digital technologies in the library sector
- A collaboration of the IFLA National Libraries Section with UNESCO on digital unification programs
- A single library catalogue for all kind of libraries in one country
- A social network for young librarians
- A unified integrated library system
- Advocate for a digital plan for libraries
- Advocate for libraries as providers of algorithmic literacy
- As soon as possible switch from traditional to electronic catalogue and collection
- Awareness campaign for privacy
- Change your mindset in order to adapt to the changes in the digital environment
- Consortia for data management
- Create a free library application for the service “Ask a librarian”
- Create a global library information database
- Create a national wiki as a directory of experiences and a platform to encourage partnerships among libraries
- Create digital repositories
- Deploy a digital IFLA voucher system for resource sharing
- Develop a free access thesaurus
- Develop digital library content and online library services for the users
- Digitize the library’s collection to improve access
- Enhance the use of e-books, e-lending and e-publishing
- Establish academic specializations in the curriculum of the Library and Information Science
- Establish an IFLA WLIC digital preservation scholarship program for young professionals
- Establish joint storage and digital archives
- Expand access to our collections with open licences
- Focus on digitising local contents and making them accessible
- Form alliances with private companies to upgrade the technology in libraries
- Formulate work groups to develop work processes that transform traditional roles into the digital age where # possible
- Global bibliographic standards based on linked data
- IFLA statement on open access
- Include open science in the library field
- Increase electronic delivery and licensing models that allow resource sharing
- Initiate conversations in the library field with tech and commercial sectors on tech issues
- International cooperation to digitize heritage
- Invest in metadata standards and open access policy
- Librarians need statements and guidance on the digitization of traditional items
- Libraries to collaborate with universities to improve access to scholar materials
- List of open-access library databases
- National OPAC for documentary heritage
- Offer virtual or distance learning opportunities on library science
- One digital library with all eResources accessed via one membership
- One national interface for all digitised collections
- Open educational resources about information literacy
- Open source leadership in the library field
- Optimize preservation of digital resources
- Organize a foresight session entitled “Library in the era of digital transformation”
- Promote accessible formats from the IFLA Rare Books and Special Collections Section
- Promote open knowledge
- Promote the development of linked data in the global library domain
- Put more effort on the digital presence
- Share databases for document delivery services
- Share digitalised contents of cultural heritage
- Support more collaboration between libraries globally through a digital IFLA voucher
- Support open access and copyright
- Take actions on the linked open data registry identifying it as a strategic issue for IFLA
- Toolkit on personal archiving
- Track users’ behaviour on library websites
- Use big data to show the impact of libraries
- Use cloud computing to develop library services
- Use more free and open-source software
- Use more free resources
- Use of IFLA standards in the Semantic Web by creating declared ontologies in its namespaces’ registry
- Use online databases as a learning method when teaching students
- Use open-source software to automate some library tasks
- Virtual cataloguing
- Work in interoperability of metadata from the libraries
- Work with teachers to develop online educational programs